It's warm again...for eskimos!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It's been snowing like crazy here! I am a brown man in a white world...literally. We had lots of snow for Christmas and there's only been a few days in the past month when the ground has not been white. I don't mind. I love the snow. I got to take Jakson and Xander to donuts in the church parking lot. The same church parking lot I did donuts in with Brandon so many years ago. I didn't see the mark in the fence where we hit it the first time...Here's a few recent pics.

I really wasn't crying!
Joe in front of the house. Brrrrr!
Gonzalez home
Our little home all covered in coldness! Good thing it's warm inside!

Xander throwing a snowball at me. when will he learn not to pick fights with bigger kids?

Jakson is working hard on his Lego star Wars project. Talk about focus!

Picture me rollin'!