It's always sunny

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WARNING - the above clip contains hilarity of a vulgar manner. Do not watch the above clip without parental permission.
I found a new favorite show. There's not a lot of TV I like to take the time to watch. but I do enjoy a few shows. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is a show that I've wanted to watch since it came out, but it's never on at a good time. Thanks to I can watch it whenever I want. I'm a very generous pserson and like to share little nuggets of joy with others when I can even though I know a lot of you out there will just find this particular show offensive. Maybe that's what draws me to it. I'm not afraid of political incorrectness. Enjoy!


wyatt said...

well well well, aren't you just the wild one.

if you vote me, I am hot!