Reppin' fo da Fam is Erika at 9:58 AM 5 comments
12:34:56 7/8/9
A hundred isn't all that big of a number for us big kids anymore...A hundred dollars, a hundred minutes, a hundred pounds, a hundred friends. They all seem so big to a little tot, but those things are relatively small once you grow up, or get bigger. Ok, maybe that last one is harder to come by. I think I'm up to about 7 friends now, but I can feel 100 coming! I started thinking about this because I got a tweet (yes, I do love twitter) informing me of something that will be happening tomorrow, or tonight, depending on how you see it. Shortly after midnight tonight something will happen that only happens once every century, it will be 12:34:56 7/8/9. It may not seem like a big deal (and it's really not), but when you think about how it has to be the right time down to the seconds in the right month of the right year it really is kinda cool and interesting. I am somewhat of a nerd so dumb things like this are interesting to me. Will i stay up late tonight and have a party to celebrate? No. I have to work tomorrow.
This did get me thinking though. What else happens once in a century? How rare is it for something to happen only once every hundred years? And somehow I got to thinking about my family and my life. EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE will only happen once. I was reminded of a saying, "Kids won't remember their best day of watching TV" or something along those lines. The point being that I should help my kids to make the most of their childhoods. I knew a wise, well-to-do, financial planner once that said not to waste money on things, but to invest in memories. Take trips, go places, do things with your family that you will remember. So, I'm trying to take that to heart and help my family become stronger through activity with each other. I've seen families that are good examples of this and families that aren't. I know which type I want to be.
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Take me out to the ballgame!
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We decided to play softball this year on a coed team and it has been so much fun! I get frustrated with myself sometimes because I am pretty competitive. If if I have a bad game or can't swing the bat I get really angry with myself. I think I do OK for not playing any baseball or softball for 10 years or so....Erika is an allstar though. She's catching pop flies like it's goin' outta style! I must say that we look pretty good out on the field too. Enough about us though....
Jakson is playing soccer and he starts baseball this week too. Saturdays are getting crazy with all of his different games. He's a stud though! He's learning a lot about the game. I try to help him with soccer, but that's the one sport I never played. Xander is dying to get on the field and play too. Xander runs out on the field during halftime and plays soccer with Jakson team. He helps them during practice too. I can't wait to see both of my boys in action!
We have missed a lot of what's going on. Geez!I took a trip to Moab with the boys that was a blast! Rock crawling all over the place. We also took our annual trip to Bear Lake with Travis, Bev and fam. That's always a good time! On the way back we took the boys to lagoon and they had a good time there. I'm honestly not a big fan of hot crowded places. I'm more of a sit in the shade against a tree with a fishing pole next to you and relax kind of guy.
Also, Spencer is doing awesome in case anyone is wondering. I totally look up to him for being such a stud. He's probably pretty P-O'd that I haven't written him yet and it's been two months already. Erika does a good job of writing him at least once a week tho and of course Trav and Bev take good care of him in that way too. I'll get around to it...
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Labels: bear lake, Gonzalez family, jakson, soccer, softball, xander
Where did March go?
Well, Xander had a birthday. He's 5 now. Jakson is signed up for Soccer. That begins the end of this month. Erika and I have signed up for a softball team. that should be entertaining. Spencer left on his mission and is still currently in the MTC. These seem like pretty major events and you can understand how taking time out to post all of that information on our blog would be hard to do. Nevertheless I do want to try and keep this blog updated. The Gonzalez family has a fun and exciting Summer coming up and we are looking forward to good times and good friends!I got a new BBQ grill for my birthday so we are DEFINITELY going to be putting that to use. We are also building a firepit in our backyard to have fun with. We plan to do some camping, but when we can't, or just don't want to, leave the house for a weekend we can still make a fire in the backyard! Hopefully we will post up pictures of our good times and we hope a lot of you will be in them! If I could just get organized about this then it would be so much easier. I always make posts from my computer that doesn't have our pictures on it. Sorry about the lack of pretty things to look at. Enjoy the complimentary muffins and cocoa!
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 2:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: 2009, Gonzalez family, March
Home Again...
As promised we finally got some pics of our new home. I know, it took us just a shade under a decade to get these, but here is A pic of the new Gonzalez Pad! We may add more in the future!
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 5:39 PM 1 comments
New Kids On The Block!
No, I'm not talking about the pop group of the late 80's and early 90's. Although I will grudgingly admit that I did enjoy some of their stuff. There I said it. Go ahead and take my man card. Anyway, we just wanted to let everyone know that we are moved in to our new home and we LOVE it! Our first house was more of a "pig in a poke" and we wished we wouldn't have rushed into it. After a year of looking and analyzing every home we came across we decided on the one we're in now. After owning a house you start to realize what you WISH you had. We are extremely happy about the house we have now. We feel so comfortable where we are now. We've got room to swing the cat now! Unfortunately I don't have pictures of the house with me so I'll have to post some pictures later. Our neighbors are great so far! We actually had some people come help us move in. It was nice. Within the first two weeks we were invited to a couple different parties. And our neighborhood has boys! Jakson and Xander will have more friends here that aren't girls. Not that girls are bad, but I'm glad my little buddies have other like-minded (sports, video games, monsters, running around, throwing snowballs, causing just a little bit of trouble, that type of thing) kids to play with now. It seems that we're still 10+ years younger than most of our neighbors, but we're hoping to benefit from their wisdom. Some of our best friends are 10 years older than us so we have no problem with that!
We moved in the week before Christmas so the holiday season was pretty hectic. We did manage to get a Christmas tree on Christmas eve so Jak-Attak and X-Man got to put up some decorations and wake up to presents under the tree. We stuck with our tradition of leaving tacos for Santa as well. That Santa sure likes Mexican food! Keep it coming amigos!
Since Christmas we've been slowly unpacking boxes and getting all the rooms setup. We're mostly settled in now and we've got some things up on the walls. Everyday we live there we love it more and more. We are so thankful for the opportunities we have had so far in life and plan to take make the most of whatever comes our way. Thanks to all our friends and family who have helped and continue to help us out. I don't know what we would do without my family and Erika's family. We are blessed to be loved by such wonderful people. We come from the type of families people wish they had. We love you all!
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 10:20 AM 2 comments
We're still here!
Wow, has it really been 3 months since my last post? That's pretty bad, but not unexpected. A lot has happened in the last three months. Jakson and Xander started school for one. I started a post about way back when they actually started, but it's kind of lost some of it's relevance now. In case you're wondering they both love school and they are both smart little guys. Halloween was a blast. I got to scare lots of kids with my freakish costume. Unortunately, I didn't get many good pictures. I think my brother Steve got some. If you read this send me those pics! Thanksgiving was also great. I filled up twice, got sick, the boys played with cousins of all sorts, Erika got to hang with less-frequently-seen family and it was very laid back. My kinda day. I guess the biggest news and most frustration comes from selling our house.
We sold our home in Provo about 2 months ago. We weren't really expecting it to sell, but it did. At the last minute. We had stopped looking for other places to live and planned on fixing up our home more to our liking. Then a family came through and offered what we were asking so we sold it. Since we didn't have another place to live we had to start seriously looking again. We found a place we really like in AF, but that has been the up-track(crappy part) of a rollcoaster one too many times so we said forget it after trying to work it out for a month and a half. we decided on another home in East Lehi that we really like as well and if all goes well we will be moving in next weekend. We have been living in Travis and beverly's basement so we are excited to have some room to roam again! We are VERY thankful to them for letting us stay with them and be a nuisance while we sort out the house situation. We only meant to be there for a month or less, but they've been very accommodating and we're grateful for that.
I thought I'd just catch everyone up on what's going on in our lives. The stress is always here, but the joy and love is here with it so life is good!
....oh yeah. I also added a few new songs to the mix on the left. I don't filter my music as much as others so I can't promise you'll like it, but I do. And I will be better about updating this once we are in our new home!
Reppin' fo da Fam is Joe at 8:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: catch up, halloween, moving, thanksgiving